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Interview Valentina Cervi

I’ll start with the obvious: Your character has a ton of sex.

Well… not more than anybody else on this show.

Wow, good answer. Were you a fan of ‘True Blood’ before you auditioned?

I had never seen it, so I watched the first four seasons on a weekend when I got the part, and totally got hooked. I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m so lucky to be a part of this.’

During your marathon, were there any actors you saw who you really wanted to work with?

Everybody! Everybody’s so great, and now meeting all the actors, I think they’re even more great. Most of them are nothing like the characters they portray. … I’m a fan of all the characters. I’m a Sookie fan, also.

Does that mean we can expect a Salome/Sookie scene in the future?

Oh, I don’t know yet. Maybe in some way. You’ll have to wait and see!

Speaking of waiting, we’ve seen Salome do a lot of talking, but I’m hoping for some action from her. Will we see any?

There’s a lot of political issues this year, and that’s what we’re here to develop. So there will be action, for sure, but we’re more part of the intellectual, character-driven, political issue-driven group.

So not too much action? Not even when Russell comes back?

[Working with Denis O'Hare was wonderful.] There are going to be issues with Russell Edgington, of course. There will be moments of tension [but no big fight scene with Salome.]

How does Russell’s return change the tone of the season?

It changes everything. He will change, and we will change with him. There are going to be a lot of surprises. It’s almost like every character has their agenda, but we’re also touched by what the others do. I’m really excited for fans to see how Russell coming back affects Salome, how her religious journey could change, and where her heart lies.

Ah, her religious journey. I’m really hoping to actually see Lillith [the original vampire] this season. Will I get my wish?

Lillith, for sure, is going to come into the picture in some way. She’s already there in many ways, but you’re definitely going to hear a lot more about Lillith.

We just found out ‘True Blood’ has been renewed for a sixth season. Any chance Salome will stick around?

The truth is, nobody knows right now. The writers will get together and decide what next year’s going to be like.

And are you still filming now?

We are still filming, yes. We’re filming the last episode. It’s going to be incredible. Crazy, touching, moving — a lot is going on.

Ecrit par maria91 
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