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Stephen Moyer: un film true blood?


January 9th, 2014

Is There a True Blood Movie in the Future?

While at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival, Steve was interviewed on the red carpet by Steven Lebowitz and shared some information that could lead to some very exciting news. Mr. Lebowitz predicts this information pertains to True Blood. The video is a bit difficult to hear, but thankfully, a transcription of the interview was provided.


You’ve been an actor for a while now. As an actor your job has been to memorize your lines, hit your marks and emote, but on “Free Ride” your job was producer. What were some of the jobs you did during the making of this film?

I was actually making a movie in Toronto at the time called “The Barrens”. It was one of those situations where we had a window to make “Free Ride” because Anna was going back to work and I was going back to work as well. We had this window, so we took it. That meant while I was on set in Toronto, I was on the phone doing deals for “Free Ride”, trying to make it happen. My co-producers kind of ran it and every weekend I’d run down to Sarasota to try and do as much as I can and pull ropes and make everything happen. It’s been a great experience. It’s the first movie that our company has taken from beginning to end and we got many more to come, but we are very excited about this one.

On “True Blood” you get to work alongside your wife as an actor, on “Free Ride” you were working with her as a co-producer. Was that any kind of different experience?

I first got this script as an actor. It was a great part for me, but I decided I didn’t want to do it because I wanted her to play this part. I thought it was an amazing part for Anna. She is one of the hardest working, most committed actors/actresses that I’ve ever worked with, so I knew that having her on board and having her play this part, she’d just dive in, which she did. It’s a story about a real life situation about this fantastic female protagonist who is here tonight at FLIFF. She’s pretty amazing and it’s this incredible story of her life.

And that story is what really drew you to it.

Yeah and Anna is magnificent in it. I think the two extraordinary performances are really… everybody is great, but Anna and Liana Liberato, who plays her daughter, is a beautiful understanding of what it must have been like to go through it.

What is the aspect of being a producer that you really loved the most?

I started out in a little town in Essex in England and I watched everybody else kind of creating stuff. It was all musicals back then. Amateur, I’m talking amateur. I decided I wanted to set up my own theater company and I did that when I was 17, so I’ve been doing this for a long while. I set that up with paper round money. I had my own paper round. I did it with flipping burgers money too. We were pretty successful, actually. I like the fact that it’s not me in front of the lights when I’m doing this part of the job. Of course, I then have to make up for it by doing it now (laughs). So there is no getting away from it really.

HBO announced that the next season is going to be the last season of “True Blood”. So what are fans supposed to do in the summer of 2015?

What are you going to do in the summer of 2015? I’m not sure about the summer of 2015, but if things go the way I’m hoping there will be something to watch in the summer of 2016. We’ll have an announcement about that… soonish.

So, what do y’all think? Is he speaking of the possibility of a True Blood movie? No matter what the announcement, if Steve’s involved, we’re along for the ride …


Ecrit par kalypso 
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