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Although she landed her first TV role nine years ago, you might not know Lindsay Pulsipher. But 'True Blood' is about to change that. Pulsipher joins the HBO's vampire hit in its third season this June, playing a new main squeeze for Jason Stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten). We're hoping things turn out better for her than Jason's previous sweethearts, who all seem to have met gruesome ends.

Congrats on the gig!
I'm very, very excited and it's a pleasure to go to work every day, which is not always the case. This season I'll be on nine episodes. I hope to be on following seasons. My contract is for several seasons, but it's up to HBO and the powers that be.

Start sucking up.
Of course! I'm way ahead of you.


You don't play a werewolf or anything, do you?
No, there are several werewolves on this season, but I'm not one of them. I'm just a regular gal. I know in the books my character, Crystal, is a were-panther, but you know Alan Ball doesn't always follow the books.

Did you watch the show before you got cast?
I did.

Are you telling the truth?
Yeah. I was trying not to get too excited about the audition.


How many people auditioned for your part?
I'm not sure. When I was there, there were at least a good 20 girls.

Did you give each other the stink eye?
[Laughs] When I go to an audition, I tend to close off my energy fields and I usually bring a book or something and try to not get affected by the room. If it's not girls giving the stink eye, there's all this nervous energy in the room that comes with auditions and you have to kind of block yourself off from that. 

Is it hard doing love scenes with Ryan? I mean, he's not fit or anything...
[Laughs] I know, it's terrible. 

Who's the sexiest guy on the show?
Oh man, why you gotta ask me that? Why you gotta put me on the spot like that? They're all ... equally sexy.

You grew up with five siblings in Utah. Can I assume you're Mormon?
I went to church when I was a kid. I quit going fairly early, so I'm not Mormon anymore. I was definitely raised around it.

Were your parents upset you became an actor?
Not at all. My mom is my biggest supporter, she pushed probably the hardest to follow my dreams, and she's an artist as well. She's very open-minded, I guess not your typical Salt Lake mom. She's over the moon for me.

Growing up as one of six kids, you must not have been spoiled.
Oh my god yes. Saturday morning chores were endless. I felt very loved and nurtured, but when there are so many of us you sometimes fended for yourself. We made our own meals sometimes -- my mom is going to kill me for saying that. I never had an abundance of things. I had a lot of hand-me-downs, but I was always happy and well taken care of.

But now you can splurge a little.
Actually, I think I've inherited some of my mom's frugal ways.

So, do you take food from the 'True Blood' craft tables then?
Yeah, I do all my food shopping on set!

What other TV shows do you watch?
I'm obsessed with 'Breaking Bad,' and I really love 'Big Love,' just because it kind of hits home for me, being from Utah, even though I'm not from a polygamous family and I don't know any.

So I won't read in the Enquirer next week that you're cousins with a polygamous family?
[Laughs] I hope not! I hope that they shut up.

Ecrit par maria91 
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